From the time it was first uncovered, coffee has been one of the most sought-after drinks around the globe, primarily for it’s aromatic flavour and pick-me-up qualities Authentic French Raclette.
Until recently, coffee vendors offered few alternatives other than your usual, short black, long black, latte, cappuccino, vienna and further choices among these. From mild Italian espresso to thick strong Turkish coffee, the only option for flavour was pretty much still coffee with milk and sugar.
But today’s coffee consumer has become far more discerning. Coffee now comes in almost any flavour, strength or combination to satisfy even the fussiest coffee lover. No longer are gourmet coffees only reserved for a special occasion, but an growing number of people keep gourmet coffees stocked in their cupboards for any occasion.
So What is Gourmet Coffee Anyway?
Gourmet coffee is simply regular coffee to which has been blended compatible flavours that actually enhance its coffee aroma and taste. The basic coffee taste, texture, aroma and pick-me-up effect is still present, but with a hint of, let’s say, mint, caramel, bacon, vanilla, chocolate or any other tantalizing possibility. Add to that, the subtle differences in flavour and texture of coffee beans from selected parts of the planet with varying climates and elevation and you have the ideal combination for gourmet coffee.
This is what gives gourmet coffee its distinction.
Most of us have at some time enjoyed a nice cup of coffee with something to nibble. Perhaps it was choc-mint buscuits, cheesecake, nuts, savoury snacks, pizza or any other prefered combination. With a gourmet coffee, you can imagine you’re enjoying both, without actually consuming the food.
Where Can I Buy Gourmet Coffee?
Gourmet coffee is available in most grocery stores but the most convenient way to access a wider selection, is to purchase online. Numerous gourmet coffee websites are waiting for you to order from their extended range.
Gourmet coffee has become a very popular gift idea. They’re great for housewarming parties and are the perfect business gift. Many vendors, such as Boca Java, offer gift arrangements which include not only the coffee, but also accessories to add to the appeal.
The definition of gourmet is a fine food or drink that has been assessed by a recognized authority to be excellent. Today, the coffee industry is becoming more like the wine industry, where experts put their credibility on the line to evaluate quality. Bottom line is, if they say it’s good, it must be good. Gourmet coffee has earned its reputation.
One of the most expensive gourmet coffees, is Jamaican Blue Mountain, mainly because it is so rare due to the effect of hurricanes on the crops. Its beans are not only used for brewed coffee, but are also the flavor base for the famous Tia Maria coffee liqueur. Most online suppliers of any standing will include Jamaican Blue Mountain on their selection list.
The term “gourmet coffee” not only refers to just the coffee beans themselves, but includes all of the aspects, activities, techniques and experience that produces that type of coffee. From the selection of the beans, the masterful roast, adding unique flavour… to the final product. Gourmet coffee is the result of a complete and specialized process.